From the course: Learning 3D Graphics on the Web with Three.js

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Roughness maps

Roughness maps

- [Instructor] Another kind of map that's available to Standard Material is the roughness map. A texture map used as a roughness map allows you to control the sharpness of the reflections using the brightness filters of a given image. To be able to demonstrate how it works, I will load in a checkerboard texture on the plane as a roughness and a color map. Here I will be adding a new map which is going to be the roughness map. I will update my for each loop as well With roughness map. Instead of loading a concrete texture, I will be using the checkerboard texture that is included inside the Assets texture folder. Let's check out our scene. Now as you can see in the image, the parts of the plane geometric that maps that the black texture have very glossy reflections. Whereas with the parts that get mapped with the white texture have rough blurry reflections. This is the effect of the roughness map. Roughness maps can allow you to add variations to the reflections of a surface helping…
