From the course: Learning 3D Printing

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Jet technologies

Jet technologies

- [Instructor] Material jetting technology works a lot like an inkjet printer. Brand name terms include Projet and Objet. A print head sweeps over the build area depositing small particles of liquid resin in thin layers. The resin is instantly cured with UV light, and the print head can print in both resin as well as a separate support material at the same time. This part was created with material jetting. You can see the support material left on the part. And then it's melted away with heat, or cleared away with the pressure washer. Material jetting machines use a wide range of materials, transparent or opaque resins, which can be rigid or flexible, tough, heat resistant, and more. There are also a variety of medical grade or biocompatible plastics available for printing dental and medical devices. Many material jetting machines print in one material plus one support material. More sophisticated machines combine…
