From the course: Learning 3D Printing

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Metal printing

Metal printing

- [Instructor] There are several techniques for metal 3D printing: selective laser melting, bound powder extrusion, binder jetting, and casting. Let's take a look at all four. Selective laser melting or SLM. It's also known as direct metal laser sintering. This process is similar to selective laser sintering, but instead of using nylon powder, metal powder is used. A laser heats the metal powder fusing the part layer by layer. Another process is bound powder extrusion, which is a similar process to fused deposition modeling. Metal powder is bound in plastic filament, which is then extruded through a nozzle to create a part. Then a second ceramic filament is used for support material. The printed part is called a green part. It's washed with solvent and then sintered with heat to produce a finished part. Binder jetting is another common process. This process works similarly to material jetting. A print head puts down a…
