From the course: Learning Audacity

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- [Instructor] When working in an Audacity project, you'll have the ability to record or import multiple tracks. This allows you to combine multiple audio files together while being able to adjust the volume level of each track individually to create a mix. In the previous movie I recorded a short bit of audio onto this first track. It's the intro to a podcast I'm creating. In fact, I'm going to click the track name where it currently says Audio Track, and select Name, and change this to Intro. When you're working with multiple tracks, you'll definitely want to give your tracks good, understandable names. Now, before we record a second track, let's go into Audacity's Preferences. You'll go to Edit Preferences in Windows. And here I'm going to select Recording. And notice that Record on a new track is currently checked. I'm going to leave it like that and click OK. That means any time I hit the Record button a new track…
