From the course: Learning Audacity

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- [Instructor] If you don't have much experience working with audio, you may wonder what makes a professional recording sound so different than when you record at home. Now obviously there are a lot of factors like the quality of your recording space, your microphones and so on, but one characteristic that gives a recording a more professional sound is compression. Raw audio recordings generally don't have a uniform volume level. Some sections are louder than others and some sections are quieter. When listening back to some recordings, you might feel like you have to constantly turn the quieter parts up and the louder parts down. Now for example, look at the waveform for this file I have open. Even before I play it, you can tell that some of the parts are louder than others. I'm going to make this track a little bit taller so you can see the difference better like so. Now before we listen, I'm going to drag the level…
