From the course: Learning Audacity

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Bleep out unwanted words and sounds

Bleep out unwanted words and sounds - Audacity Tutorial

From the course: Learning Audacity

Bleep out unwanted words and sounds

- [Instructor] Occasionally, you may find yourself in a situation where you need to remove inappropriate or potentially offensive words from a recording. Now, there are a number of ways you can do this, and you'll have to figure out what works best for your particular project. I'm still using this podcast project, and there aren't really any objectionable words here, I think, but let's just pick one. I'm going to mute the music track so we don't have to hear that. And we'll start from maybe right here. - [Audio Recording] As usual, we have an incredibly diverse collection of tutorials that were released this week. Including courses on typography, mobile app creation, forming business plans, and advanced spreadsheet design. - [Instructor] All right, let's use the phrase "business plans" in "forming business plans." I'm going to grab the zoom tool, and zoom in on that area a bit. And we'll just listen again. - [Audio…
