From the course: Learning Audacity

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Cut, copy, and paste

Cut, copy, and paste - Audacity Tutorial

From the course: Learning Audacity

Cut, copy, and paste

- [Instructor] Continuing with our work processing analogy, you can cut, copy, and paste snippets of audio in Audacity just like you can cup, copy, and paste text in word processors. You'll probably find yourself doing this a lot when editing audio. I'm going to solo the first track of my project, and let's play it. Hello and welcome to The Video Learning podcast. I'm Garrick Chow, and this is episode 105. So let's say I want to copy the part of the intro where I say welcome to The Video Learning podcast, so I can reuse it in other episodes. So I'll start by selecting the portion I want to use. And I give it another listen so I can look at the waveform. Hello and welcome to The Video Learning podcast. So right there. So I'll make my selection like so. And just as with a word processor I can choose Edit, Copy, if I want to leave this snippet untouched by copying it to my clipboard, and I can also use the standard keyboard…
