From the course: Learning Audacity

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Export your project

Export your project - Audacity Tutorial

From the course: Learning Audacity

Export your project

- [Instructor] Once you've edited your audio in Audacity and are ready to share it with the world or if you just want to use it or work on it in another application, you'll have to save your file in a format that can be read by other applications. Earlier when we created a new project I mentioned how the file system can only be read by Audacity because it keeps track of information like the volume level of tracks, the pan settings, and so on. When you export your audio Audacity applies whatever settings you've used and exports a single file. And you can choose from a wide variety of file formats. Let's take a look at some of the options. I have the music bed no fade audio file open here. But it doesn't really matter what file I'm using, I just needed something open so I could show you the export settings. So let's say I'm done working with this file and I want to convert it to a non Audacity native format. I'll choose file…
