From the course: Learning Audacity

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Split clips

Split clips

- [Instructor] Previously we saw that the cut command in Audacity has two variations, both found under the Edit menu. We have cut, and then Remove Special, Split Cut. So we saw that cut removes the selected audio from the clip, and the audio shifts to the right to take up the space left by that section you removed. But this is still one clip. Notice if I select the time shift tool, I can move the entire clip. Let's undo that. Now split cut on the other hand, cuts the selected audio, but leaves a gap where that audio was. Again this might be useful if you just wanted to get rid of some audio. Maybe there was a cough or some unwanted noise in there, but this allows you to leave the length or timing of the track the same. Now choosing split cut also leaves you with two separate clips on the track. Notice I can move both of these clips independently of each other. Having the audio on a single track as separate clips,…
