From the course: Learning Cryptography and Network Security

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Encapsulating Security Payload

Encapsulating Security Payload

- [Instructor] When using IPsec you may use the encapsulating security payload. The encapsulating security payload provides confidentiality, authentication, integrity, and anti-replay service for IP version four, and IP version six. What services are selected are determined by the security association and where on the network, IPsec is used. The security association provides the attributes which are necessary for the encapsulating security payload Process. You can use the encryption only feature to provide confidentiality. However best practice is to use encryption with authentication. And that is because using encryption without integrity mainly the communication stream vulnerable to attacks. Here we see a top level format of the encapsulating security payload packet. This is from RFC 4303. We'll take a look at some of the fields. The security parameter index is added to the header so that devices on both ends of the…
