From the course: Learning FL Studio 12

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Creating reverb to fill space

Creating reverb to fill space - FL Studio Tutorial

From the course: Learning FL Studio 12

Creating reverb to fill space

- As well as using Delay, reverb is another great tool to immediately create interest in your sounds. Reverb is the effect created when you play a sound in any kind of space. The reverberations in music production are essentially created through an infinite number of delay sounds, which are blended together within a much shorter time frame to create a similar sense of space. Using FL Studio, it is very easy to replicate this. Let's take a look at using reverb now. First of all, we've got our project files open in the Playlist and Channel rack, and we've got this source sound linked to Insert One on the mixer. What we now want to do is open the browser, and go to our sub folder within the plug in database of Installed, Effects, VST. We can then scroll down and find the Fruity Reverb, which we can then click and drag on top of Insert One. Once we do this, this brings up the Fruity Reverb along with all of its parameters. Let's take a look at some of these controls now. The Low Cut…
