From the course: Learning FL Studio 12

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Exporting/rendering to disk

Exporting/rendering to disk - FL Studio Tutorial

From the course: Learning FL Studio 12

Exporting/rendering to disk

- FL Studio gives you the option of exporting your project to audio in a number of different file formats such as wav, mp3, and ogg. Let's have a look at the export window now and explore the various different options of exporting audio. To access the exporting window, go up to file, scroll down to export and then simply choose any of these options from wav, mp3 or ogg. So for instance we're going to select wav. This gives you the option of then saving your file. For the purposes of this demonstration I've got that drum loop that I was using from earlier and what I'm going to do is save this as an audio file in wav format. I'm going to call it simply drum loop final and then I'm going to hit the save button. This then brings up a dialogue window which we can then go into more detail by highlighting quality and highlighting miscellaneous. We can then choose whether to export the project just by pattern or by the full song which is what we want. The tail option gives you the option of…
