From the course: Learning FL Studio 12

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Slicing up samples and rebuilding beats

Slicing up samples and rebuilding beats - FL Studio Tutorial

From the course: Learning FL Studio 12

Slicing up samples and rebuilding beats

- One other way of building beats is to use pre-made drum loops and slice them up to create your own edits. This is very easy to do using the Playlist in FL Studio or by using the Slicex tool. Let's have a look at these methods now. Using the Broswer, we can import samples that we've already made. Earlier on, I made a drum loop using some of the drum samples that come with FL Studio and I've called it 02_04_Drum Loop. I can then click and drag this into the Channel Rack or into the Playlist so that I can use it directly. Bear in mind, when I click and drag this into the Playlist it's going to make a sound, so you might want to turn down your speakers or headphones. (drum loop playing) It's also important to note that I created this drum loop at a BPM of 120. So, in order to avoid any distortion, I want to click on my tempo and drag it down to 120, then press Yes when it asks me to "Restretch all channels now?". Now, let's just play back my drum loop. (drum loop playing) What I can now…
