From the course: Learning FL Studio 12

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Using automation to modify volume, panning, and other parameters

Using automation to modify volume, panning, and other parameters - FL Studio Tutorial

From the course: Learning FL Studio 12

Using automation to modify volume, panning, and other parameters

- Using automation opens up a whole range of much more complex possibilities with your productions. It allows you to automatically control volume levels, panning, and other features, meaning you have much greater control over your mixing options. Using automation is also very easy, thanks to the user interface of FL Studio. In order to demonstrate how we're going to use automation, we're going to first of all create an instance of the 3x Osc. To do that, make sure you've got your Channel Rack open, and then click on the "Add New Channel" button here. Clicking on that, and then scrolling down to the Synth Classic will then give you the option to launch an instance of the 3x Osc. And clicking on that will create a new instance of it. In FL Studio, automation can be achieved in a variety of ways. One way in which to do this, is to create an automation clip, and link it to the parameter you're wishing to control. In order to do this, you want to make sure that your browser is first open…
