From the course: Learning FL Studio 12

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Using the Browser to choose drum samples

Using the Browser to choose drum samples - FL Studio Tutorial

From the course: Learning FL Studio 12

Using the Browser to choose drum samples

- Although Drumaxx is a great way of building a beat using synthesized sounds, using samples can be a great way of quickly getting a project together and seeing what sounds good. There are two ways of using samples in FL Studio. You can either drag them into the channel rack and use them as samples, or you can drag them onto the playlist and manipulate them directly as audio clips. Using the second method is useful if you want fine control over your audio and if you want to make changes to the audio clips themselves. Using the sampling method is useful if you already like your sampled sounds, don't want a cluttered interface, and simply want to arrange your sounds instead. The browser allows you to add samples to your project as well as generators, effects, and other third-party plugins. You can select plugins from the plugin database as well as add folders to FL Studio that are viewable so that you can then look at these within the browser as well. Let's take a look at how to do this…
