From the course: Learning Google Cloud Run

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Best practices for securing Cloud Run services

Best practices for securing Cloud Run services - Google Cloud Tutorial

From the course: Learning Google Cloud Run

Best practices for securing Cloud Run services

- [Instructor] Securing your Cloud Run services is paramount to protect your applications and data. Here are the best practices for securing Cloud Run services. Use HTTPS. Always enable HTTPS for Cloud Run services. Google Cloud Run automatically provides HTTPS by default. Ensure that all communications between clients and your service is encrypted. Implement authentication. Implement user authentication to control access to your services. Use an identity provider like Firebase Authentication, OAuth, or custom authentication mechanisms. Implement fine-grained access control with role-based access control, or also called as RBAC, or custom authorization logic. Ensure that users and services can only access the resources they need. Grant minimal necessary permissions to the associated service accounts. Follow the principle of least privilege to limit potential damage in case of a breach. Use Google Cloud's Secret Manager…
