From the course: Learning Lean IT

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Lean management techniques

Lean management techniques - ITIL Tutorial

From the course: Learning Lean IT

Lean management techniques

- [Instructor] The implementation of Lean improvement in management requires organizational change management, change agents, projects, and project management. Lasting change is about changing mindsets and behaviors, which is where organizational change management comes in. Lean IT transformations are any like any other large scale organizational change effort in that they also require attention to governance, stakeholders, communication and training strategies, plans and execution. A change agent is a person who helps an organization transform itself by focusing on organizational effectiveness, improvement, and development. They do not need detailed Lean knowledge, that can come from an expert. But they must know organizational change management and see the transformation through. Lean IT projects can use a simple PDCA, or Plan-Do-Check-Act, or more elaborate DMAIC, or Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control structure. There are two types of Lean IT projects and both can be…
