From the course: Learning Lean IT

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What is perfection?

What is perfection? - ITIL Tutorial

From the course: Learning Lean IT

What is perfection?

- [Instructor] Perfection is the key objective of Lean. In Lean we pursue bringing products or services into a state of perfection by bringing the number of defects to zero, or as close to zero as possible. We do this by working to completely eliminate muda, or waste. While the actual state of perfection may be elusive its pursuit is what's key. We reach perfection when a product or service provides pure value as defined by the consumer with no waste at all. We see this pursuit in IT in one of the DevOps three ways, amplifying feedback loops, where we have more frequent feedback loops with consumers so we can adapt products and services to what they value most. Pursuing perfection is a continual process of producing the effort, time and cost to producing and delivering products to consumers that are more than what the consumer wants as we continuously and more precisely define value as consumer needs and what technology makes possible changes. The pursuit of perfection is the idea…
