From the course: Learning Lightroom Classic

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Creating collections and collection sets

Creating collections and collection sets - Lightroom Tutorial

From the course: Learning Lightroom Classic

Creating collections and collection sets

- [Instructor] A collection is a virtual folder that exists only inside of the Lightroom classic catalog. You can use collections to group photos from different folders without actually moving or duplicating them and photos can belong to multiple collections as well providing lots of flexibility for organizing your catalog. The collections panel is found in all of the modules. I'm currently in the library module and we see the collections panel right below the folders panel. If I switch to the develop module, we also see the collections panel here. I'm going to go ahead and go back to the library module because I need to have access to the folders panel to select images for the collection. The ability to access the collection panel from anywhere is a great reason to organize your photos into collections. To create a collection, we go to the collections panel and we see this plus, I'll click on the plus and then create…
