From the course: Learning MASSIVE X

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Phase modulation

Phase modulation

- [Instructor] One of the features that Massive X has that we're seeing carried over from original Massive is phase modulation. Now you might remember in original Massive, we had a modulation oscillator and we sort of have something very similar to that here, even though it is simplified. And it basically only does phase modulation as opposed to ring modulation and the other things that the previous modulation oscillator could do. That's okay. This is a very powerful modulator. There's a lot we can do with it. Phase modulation is sort of similar to frequency modulation and its application. It's basically just resetting the phase of the carrier oscillator based on the frequency of the modulating oscillator, okay. So we can activate phase modulation very simply by choosing one of these three different phase modulation sources. And we can do that to either of our wave table oscillators. Let's start out just with like a…
