From the course: Learning MASSIVE X

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Sidechain modulation

Sidechain modulation - MASSIVE Tutorial

From the course: Learning MASSIVE X

Sidechain modulation

- [Instructor] Now I'm going to bring up everyone's favorite buzzword in electronic music, sidechain. Now, when you hear the word sidechain, you may think of oosh oosh, oosh, oosh. Sidechain into a kick drum using compression. That's not what we're doing here. Sidechaining basically just refers to the idea of getting different types of signals to talk to each other. And that's exactly what we're going to do here. Massive X, just like original Massive, has the ability to sidechain multiple different control signals, which is really cool. So let's say for example, I have an LFO that's modulating the cutoff frequency of my filter. (electronic frequency sound) All right, let's give it some layers just for fun. Let's go up an octave or let's go down an octave. (electronic frequency sound) All right. LFO four maybe a little more like this. (electronic frequency sound) Whoop, I was adjusting the wrong LFO there. Let's go over to…
