From the course: Learning Modular Synthesis: Arturia Modular V

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Using the Filter Coupler (band pass and reject modes)

Using the Filter Coupler (band pass and reject modes) - Modular V Tutorial

From the course: Learning Modular Synthesis: Arturia Modular V

Using the Filter Coupler (band pass and reject modes)

(synthesizer music) - [Narrator] So far, we've played with the low pass filter which removes harmonics above its cutoff frequency and the hi pass filter which removes harmonics below its cutoff frequency. Well, what would happen if you put the two together? That's the job of the filter coupler, and that's what we'll explore in this movie. I'm going to reload my template for one oscillator one filter, goes through the low pass filter, has my basic sawtooth wave. (synthesizer music) It has a nice array of harmonics in it. I'm going to click on this twice to change to a hi pass and then to the filter coupler. Now on a normal Moog modular, the filter coupler actually combine the outputs of the hi pass and low pass filter. You had to adjust them separately, then play with their combinations here. In the Arturia Modular V software, this filter has its own hi pass and low pass underneath the panel, controlled by these knobs, so don't keep cycling back and adjusting these controls, stay…
