From the course: Learning Music Notation

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Notating lyrics

Notating lyrics

- [Narrator] Lyrics add an additional level of complexity to notating musical scores and parts. Their placement, alignment, and spacing all have an impact on music spacing, and require close attention to detail. So while it's easy to add lyrics to a score, it's not so easy to make it look professional. Let's start with the basics. So lyrics go below the staff, you wanna make them large enough, and you wanna use a font that they're easily read, and you want them as close as you can get them to the notes, without really colliding with anything. Now, one book that I use on this source suggests that you want them to be about 1/3-1/2 between the bottom of the notes and the next stave below that, and then very important, the lyrics should absolutely be parallel to the bottom line of the staff. And what I mean by that is that we can adjust the placement on a word by word basis, so that we put the lyric as close to the note as possible, but you'll notice that then you're having to read here…
