From the course: Learning Music Notation

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Performance instructions

Performance instructions

- [Instructor] Dynamic text expressions are only one type of text expression used by composers orchestrators and arrangers. Other types include technique or expression instructions, both of which have guidelines for placement and text style. So one type of these expressions is technique text expressions. Now these markings go above the staff and above the notes that they modify. To differentiate them from tempo markings, they're not bolded or italicized, and they're in lower case only in most cases. Let's take a look at some examples. So, these have a lot to do with the idiomatic things that different instruments are capable of doing, or the way you play different instruments. For example, with string instruments you can either bow the notes, or you can pluck them, and those are indicated by Arco and Pizzicato. A couple of other esoteric ways of articulating notes would be to bow over or near the bridge, that's referred to as Sul ponticello. Or, you can actually turn the bow on its…
