From the course: Learning Music Notation

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Repeat barlines

Repeat barlines

- [Instructor] The repeat markings and symbols discussed in the previous video are a practical method of repeating short segments of music. When you need to repeat an entire section of music repeat bar lines are much more effective. So repeat bar lines replace regular bar lines and there are several types but let's start by taking a look at a couple of the basic shapes. So a forward repeat bar line is used when we repeat back to a point and it indicates where we're going to start the repeat from. Now, notice that it's made up of two vertical lines, the outside one which is darker and then we have these two dots around the center line. Now, in this particular case, I'm showing you kind of a stylized repeat bar line with these wings that are on top. Sometimes you'll see it that way, sometimes you'll see it without the wings. Now, a forward repeat bar is usually accompanied with a backwards repeat bar. So for example, these two could have several measures of music between them and if we…
