From the course: Learning Music Notation

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Which clefs should I know?

Which clefs should I know?

- [Instructor] In this chapter about notating pitch, we've discussed several clefs that indicate the general pitch range of a staff, and specify a point of reference that identifies how pitches are assigned to a staff's lines and spaces. If you're new to reading and notating music, you may be overwhelmed with this information, and not sure which is the most important information for you and where you should start, so let's discuss this problem and come up with a plan that will allow you to effectively read and notate music. So first, what instrument do you play? What types of musical groups or ensembles are you likely to play in? What clefs and staves are you most likely to see in the music that you perform? The two most common clefs are treble and bass clef. If music for your instrument is typically notated on a single treble or bass clef staff, then your first and foremost goal should be to become skilled and confident at reading and notating music in that clef. But it would be a…
