From the course: Learning Power BI Desktop

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Connect to a web data source

Connect to a web data source - Power BI Tutorial

From the course: Learning Power BI Desktop

Connect to a web data source

- [Instructor] There are many data sources that are available on the web. Some for a cost, some for free. We're going to grab some data from Wikipedia. So I'm going to choose Get Data, Web and we'll be prompted to provide a URL. The page that I'd like you to navigate to in Wikipedia is the List of Countries by GDP with Purchasing Power Parity per capita. And on this page, we have a large table that has columns of data from three different sources about the GDP for the countries in the world. Copy the URL, swing back to Power BI Desktop and paste the URL right here. Control+V. After you've pasted, click OK and Power BI Desktop will make a connection to that web page. I could have chosen on another page two or three different tables, I just happened to only want one, but you can select multiple tables just as you can select multiple tables in an Excel spreadsheet, for example. And here I have a list of my tables.…
