From the course: Learning Power BI Desktop

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- [Gini] Congratulations, you have reached the end of this course. Before you go on to other important things in your life, take a moment now to publish your certificate of completion to your profile on LinkedIn. This is the end of this course, but it is certainly not the end of what you can learn about Power BI, Power BI Desktop, data modeling, visualization, and storytelling. I have some recommendations for you, all of them from the LinkedIn Learning Training Library. My colleague Helen Wall lives in Power BI Desktop. Take a look at her courses on Power BI data methods, and data dashboards in Power BI. She also has a great advanced Microsoft Power BI course that follows nicely on this course. If you'd like to know about formulas in Power BI, something that we did not touch on in this course, I recommend my course "Power BI Data Modeling with DAX," which allows you to add formulas to the modeling techniques you already have…
