From the course: Learning React Native

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Ejecting from Expo

Ejecting from Expo

- [Instructor] You could easily eject your application from Expo which would give you access to both the iOS and Android source files. In this lesson, we're going to go ahead and take a look at how we can eject the color catalog from Expo. So you'll notice, we don't have any iOS files specifically or Android files specifically within our file folder. So I'm going to go ahead and open up the Terminal, and using the Expo CLI, I can run expo eject. Now be careful. This is going to eject your application from Expo which means that you now have to manage building this application on your own. You have a couple options when it's time to eject. I'm just going to select the first one. And eject to bare applications. You can also name the application for your user's home screen. I'm just going to go ahead and keep the ColorCatalog name. You can also name the Android studio project. Again, I'll keep the ColorCatalog name. And now…
