From the course: Learning React Native

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Native components

Native components

- [Instructor] All right, we're picking up right where we left off. So, I currently have an Expo project created, and we're looking at the App.js file in that project. I also have everything running. We can see that I have Expo running, so, here, within the browser, we're taking a look at our Expo Metro Bundler, and our tunnel is currently working. I also have a terminal window dedicated to this, so this is the terminal window where I originally ran npm-start. All right, so now we're ready to take a look at some React Native components. React Native comes with a set of UI components that we can use out of the box to start building applications. We've already been using the View and Text component. Let's go ahead and remove the Text component, and take a look at the ActivityIndicator. First, I'll import the ActivityIndicator from React Native. And this is a component, so now we can go down here and use it. I'll…
