From the course: Learning SAP Human Capital Management
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Display HR Master Data (PA20) - SAP Tutorial
From the course: Learning SAP Human Capital Management
Display HR Master Data (PA20)
- [Instructor] As we talked about in the earlier video, master data is the key that links different pieces of our HCM module with each other. It's also the data that links HCM with other SAP modules. Let's explore our human resources master data using transaction code PA20. This brings us to our display HR Master Data Transaction screen. This screen looks different from many transactions in SAP, and we can navigate this transaction in a few different ways. The first thing we need to do is to find the HR record we want to display. The most straightforward way to do that would be if we knew the personnel number of the employee's record we wanted to view we could type that directly into the personnel number field. If we didn't have the personnel number, this transaction opens by default with what SAP calls the object manager. This area allows us to search by different criteria. Collective search allows us to search by…
Personnel administration overview3m 1s
Display HR Master Data (PA20)4m 10s
Change HR Master Data (PA30)2m 58s
Hire an employee in SAP (PA40)4m 49s
Transfer an employee in SAP (PA40)2m 18s
Terminate an employee in SAP (PA40)1m 58s
Personnel Administration Reporting in SAP2m 14s