From the course: Learning SAP MM (Materials Management)
Inventory management reports in SAP - SAP ERP Tutorial
From the course: Learning SAP MM (Materials Management)
Inventory management reports in SAP
- There are many standard inventory management reports available in SAP. Let's look at the material document list report. To do so, we'll enter transaction code mb51. This report is going to show every material document in the system based on our selection criteria. We'll enter plant 1710. We wanted to see all the movements in plant 1710. So we'll leave the movement type field blank. If we only wanted to see one movement type like, a good receipt, we would enter that movement type here. Now we can execute this report. Our report results show all our movement types at this plant. We're going to right click on the posting date column and choose sort in descending order. This sorts our data so our most recent document is first. Let's drill a little deeper into these results. From left to right, we have our material, which is RM16, the plant, which is 1710, and our storage location, which is 171C. This is our storage location for raw materials. Then we have movement type, which is 101 for a goods receipt. Next, we have our document number. Further to the right, we have the posting date, which is April 6th, 2022 and the quantity, which is a hundred pieces. This is an interactive report. So we can actually drill down and look directly at the material documents. To do this, we'll click on the material document number, then we'll click the material document button. This brings us into the displayed document view. This is handy if we need to see more details. For example, our report didn't show who this vendor was. So let's click the vendor tab. We can see that this material was purchased from a domestic US supplier located in Muncie. To return to our list, we'll click the back button. This is only one of the standard inventory management reports in SAP. Let's look at some of the other available reports. To do this, we'll press exit and exit again. This brings us back to our SAP easy access screen. Now we'll navigate the menu tree. We'll expand the logistics folder, materials management, inventory management, environment, and list displays. These five reports are compiled lists. We'll also expand the stock folder. As we can see, there are a number of inventory management reports for each of the different movement types. Looking at this list, it's very likely there's an inventory management report built to suit your specific data needs.