From the course: Learning Sylenth

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Working with the Mod wheel

Working with the Mod wheel - Sylenth Tutorial

From the course: Learning Sylenth

Working with the Mod wheel

- [Narrator] In this movie, we're gonna talk about some other features in Sylenth that we can use to modulate or change the pitch of our synthesizer. So, this is the pitch wheel, and the mod wheel. And they're located directly to the left of the keyboard here in Sylenth and they're commonly found on many hardware synthesizers and keyboard controllers. So for this, I'm just gonna go up, and let's select preset nine, this is gonna be another kind of reversed engineering of a preset here. So I'm just gonna play this out. And here on the left side, we have our pitch wheel. Now this can be controlled with the mouse. Up in pitch, or down in pitch. Or it can be controlled with the pitch wheel on your midi keyboard, if you have one. Usually, this will be auto-assigned, even, depending on your dot. And next to the wheel on the left, we can set the range of bending the notes. So we can go up quite a bit, and hear how this sounds. So that's just another way to modulate or change the pitch of the…
