From the course: Learning the Packet Delivery Process
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Challenge: Compare mailing a letter to the TCP/IP model
From the course: Learning the Packet Delivery Process
Challenge: Compare mailing a letter to the TCP/IP model
(upbeat music) - [Instructor] For this challenge, you'll write two separate letters to a friend and put them in two separate envelopes. You can do this by hand or on a computer that has a word processing application and a printer. You'll put the letters into envelopes and address the letters properly. Make sure to include your return address and their full mailing address. Put stamps on the letters, put them in your outgoing mailbox. Then, write down all of the tasks involved in the creation and delivery of those letters, from start to finish, to the best of your ability. Make sure to include everything you can think of. Using what you know about the TCP/IP model, place each task in a table like this one. Next to each task, include what layer the task can be compared to in the TCP/IP model. Include an associated data delivery task as well. If possible, include what protocol the task could be compared to and state why.…
Explore the OSI model4m 36s
Explore the TCP/IP model5m 9s
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Learn the purpose of the transport layer2m 56s
Learn the purpose of the network layer3m 24s
Learn the purpose of the network access layer1m 51s
Challenge: Compare mailing a letter to the TCP/IP model1m 11s
Solution: Compare mailing a letter to the TCP/IP model4m 10s