From the course: Learning the Packet Delivery Process

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Challenge: Diagnose packet loss to a remote network

Challenge: Diagnose packet loss to a remote network

From the course: Learning the Packet Delivery Process

Challenge: Diagnose packet loss to a remote network

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] Packet loss occurs when data packets don't make it from their source to their destination. If data is traveling over a local network, the problem is generally easy to find and fix. Often it's a bad cable or connection. A host that's offline, or a switch or other hardware that needs to be rebooted. You can use commands like ping to work out exactly what device is not receiving packets effectively. Because you know the IP addresses of the hosts on your local network. However, when data gets lost traveling the internet to its destination, well, that becomes a lot more complicated. You can't just ping the remote host to see if it's offline. Your last challenge is to find a tool that you can use to follow a packet, from a computer on your local network, to its destination. Use the tool until you see lost packets. Then find out where along the way packets get lost. Once you know where the packets…
