From the course: Learning the Packet Delivery Process
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Dissect the IP address: Network and host
From the course: Learning the Packet Delivery Process
Dissect the IP address: Network and host
- [Instructor] Every node on a network needs a unique IP address that the router and other hardware can use to send and receive data successfully. There are two kinds of IP address technologies: IPv4 and IPv6. The IPv4 address is the better option when you want to break down the address into parts. To see an IP address, you can type ipconfig at a command prompt. Here's the IP address of my laptop. An IP address has four octets, separated by dots. An IP address is 32 bits long. This means that each of the four octets are 8 bits each. If you'd like to find the IPv4 address of your computer, you can do so. If you're on a local network, you might see something that starts with 192.168.1, but there are many other configurations available. The numbers you see here are for you to use, not the computer. This number makes it easier for you to manage the computers on the network. Computers can only use 1s and 0s though. So the…
Understand differences between domains and local networks3m 32s
Distinguish among nodes, switches, and routers3m 14s
Understand the purpose of DHCP5m 7s
Dissect the IP address: Network and host5m 33s
Understand the importance of the MAC address3m 20s
Understand the data packet and TTL4m 9s
Challenge: Locate and name all nodes on a locate network45s
Solution: Locate and name all nodes on a locate network3m