From the course: Learning the Packet Delivery Process

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Explore the OSI model

Explore the OSI model

- [Instructor] The Open System Interconnection model, OSI, is a seven-layer model that makes it possible to visualize how computer networks function. Understanding how data gets packaged and delivered without a model to go by, is akin to understanding a master magician's best trick with no information as to how the trick is performed. The seven layers of the OSI model are, the application layer followed by presentation, session, the transport layer, network, data link, and physical. Each layer defines a specific part of the data delivery process. Let's start at the top of the OSI model. The application layer represents how and where the user inputs data. In most cases, this is inside an application, like a web browser, but it can be any program installed on the workstation. Problems that occur at this layer are often related to user error. The next layer down is the presentation layer. This layer is where encryption…
