From the course: Learning the Packet Delivery Process

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Learn port basics

Learn port basics

- [Instructor] If you've traveled by ship, you might know that a port of call is a place a ship can begin and end a journey. Ports are predefined by various entities and are unique to their starting and stopping point. Likewise, data incorporates ports. A port is where network connections start and end. Ports are managed by a computer's operating system and allow computers to easily tell the difference between different kinds of traffic. Emails go to one port, web traffic to another and so on. Well-known ports range from 0 through 1023. The most recognized port is probably HTTP, which is port 80. HTTPS is associated with port 443. Most internet traffic is transferred via these port requests. You can see real life examples of how both HTTPS and port 443 work together at your own internet connected computer. From the Start window, type CMD. Right-click Command Prompt in the results and click Run as Administrator. Now…
