From the course: Learning the Packet Delivery Process
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Learn protocol basics
From the course: Learning the Packet Delivery Process
Learn protocol basics
- [Instructor] Now that you know something about ports and their related protocols, you're ready to dive a little deeper into what a protocol actually is. A network protocol defines how two or more systems communicate with each other. Protocols make it possible to deliver data across different computer technologies and hardware, like WiFi to Ethernet, MAC to PC, and computers to printers. In order for all of this to work, all devices and software must understand and incorporate the same protocols. They all have to follow the same set of rules for data delivery as well. Here's a simplified example of a protocol. Remote Desktop is an application that lets people access their office computer from virtually anywhere. When in a Remote Desktop session, the remote computer performs just as if the user were sitting in front of it. One protocol that makes this possible is RDP. Both computers must be configured to allow RDP…
Learn port basics4m 35s
Explore ports 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, and 53, 80, 4432m 39s
Learn protocol basics3m 5s
Understand the three-way handshake2m 59s
Challenge: Show a port running, listening, and closed1m
Solution: Show when a port is running, listening, and closed6m 41s