From the course: Learning the Packet Delivery Process

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Learn the purpose of the transport layer

Learn the purpose of the transport layer

From the course: Learning the Packet Delivery Process

Learn the purpose of the transport layer

- [Instructor] Each of the four layers of the TCP/IP model has specific responsibilities. The transport layer is responsible for initiating the transfer of data that's been passed to it from the application layer. Although the transport layer supports many protocols, the two most common are TCP and UDP. TCP is a connection-oriented transmission and is used when the data needs to get where it's going without errors. TCP provides reliable end-to-end communication, offers the error detection and recovery required to resend data packets that get lost or damaged, and offers flow control which can detect and resolve problems due to congestion on the network. It also supports streams of data which help the data arrive in order and intact. To achieve this though, TCP must add quite a bit of information to the data packet. This is known as overhead. You'll learn what's added later in this course, but it's important to know that…
