From the course: Learning the Packet Delivery Process

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Step 1: A workstation sends data (local)

Step 1: A workstation sends data (local)

From the course: Learning the Packet Delivery Process

Step 1: A workstation sends data (local)

- [Instructor] Throughout this course, we've been talking, generically, about the packet delivery process for data that travels across the internet to get from its source to its destination. We've used the TCP/IP model to describe how the data is prepared as it moves through the TCP/IP stack. As the data moves down the stack, headers are added to the packets. For an internet destined packet, there's information about source and destination addresses, protocols, ports, time to live, quality control and so on. Headers are a lot of payload to internet destined packets. When data packets only need to go from one node to another on a local network, though, far less information is needed. Thus, when sent through a local network, the packets can be much smaller. Here's an example of a packet using UDP for transmission over a local sub-net. You can see it has far less added to it than the internet destined packet does. No matter if…
