From the course: Learning the Packet Delivery Process
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Step 2: The packet acquires delivery information (local)
From the course: Learning the Packet Delivery Process
Step 2: The packet acquires delivery information (local)
- [Instructor] We left off in the last movie with the application layer passing the data and information it had to the transport layer. The next step in the packet delivery process when data is sent over a local network involves acquiring local delivery information. The transport layer starts the process by looking at the data from the application layer and dividing it into chunks. Each of these chunks is a collection of bytes. It adds a header to each of these. If it's a UDP packet, that header will contain information about the source and destination ports. Port to defined by the application required to view, sinned and use the data. There are many other types of packets, but for now, UDP will do as an example while we're first learning about the process. Although you might see it represented differently, UDP packets are called datagrams, and TCP packets are called segments. Many people refer to both types of…
Step 1: A workstation sends data (local)3m 40s
Step 2: The packet acquires delivery information (local)3m 27s
Step 3: ARP helps locate MAC addresses (local)1m 39s
Step 4: Network hardware reads, updates, and routes (local)3m 59s
Challenge: Test for and remediate packet loss1m 4s
Solution: Test for and remediate packet loss5m 33s