From the course: Learning the Packet Delivery Process

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Step 4: Network hardware reads, updates, and routes (local)

Step 4: Network hardware reads, updates, and routes (local)

From the course: Learning the Packet Delivery Process

Step 4: Network hardware reads, updates, and routes (local)

- [Instructor] Now, we're at the last point for the local data delivery process. Now, we're going to talk about hardware, specifically switches and routers. Local networks are often configured as star networks. In a star network supported by WiFi and Ethernet, the switch or the router theoretically sits in the middle of this, connecting all the devices. Sometimes when you look at your router settings you'll see a map with your device sitting right in the middle and all of the devices surrounding it. My router doesn't have a map. It only has a list of devices. For the most part, you can type in a web browser to see your own router. If that doesn't work, take a look at the router itself. It'll have the information you need. Here's my device list. Frames, the data units at the lowest level of the TCP/IP model move through my device. In this case, a router to get from their local source to their local destinations.…
