From the course: Learning Tinkercad
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Butting shapes together - Tinkercad Tutorial
From the course: Learning Tinkercad
Butting shapes together
- [Instructor] This is a continuation of our mini project, creating a finial shape. In this step, we'll duplicate, mirror, and butt two shapes together. Continue working on your own project, or use the provided exercise file. Note that I'm already in orthographic mode from the previous steps. I'll go ahead and select the profile, duplicate it, drag it out, and I'm going to flip it using the mirror tool. All right, now I want to line these up. Let's go into a top view and zoom in. Grab the ruler tool and drag it onto the work plane between the two profiles. Can select each, and then we'll click on the origin to toggle so that it's measuring to the nearest corner. Change those green dimensions, the offsets, to zero to bring the profile to that origin mark. On the other profile, do the same thing, toggle the corner and change the offset, perfect. Use a bounding box to select both objects and then choose group. All right…
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