From the course: Learning Tinkercad

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Ruler practice: Endpoint mode

Ruler practice: Endpoint mode - Tinkercad Tutorial

From the course: Learning Tinkercad

Ruler practice: Endpoint mode

- Let's practice endpoint mode. Make sure that you are starting with the provided exercise file. Right, I'm going to pan over and zoom in on the upper left hand corner of my grid, grab the ruler and drop it on the corner of the grid. Click on the origin to toggle it until the ruler is matched up with my grid lines. We want to be in endpoint mode. It's a little hard to see there. So I'm going to click and make sure that I am in endpoint mode, click on the box and then change the green dimensions, the offset of the box from the origin to 20 by 20. All right, for my next move, I'm going to click and drag the origin to the corner of the box, click on it until I get that verification that the offset is zero and zero. Then I'll click on the orange box. I want to make the spacing 20 millimeters between the two boxes, click on the origin until it is measuring to the correct corner. This one I will change to zero and this…
