From the course: Learning Tinkercad
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Setting up the grid - Tinkercad Tutorial
From the course: Learning Tinkercad
Setting up the grid
- [Instructor] Take a look at the grid settings, which you can find in the lower right-hand corner of your workspace. Click on Edit grid. We can change a few settings for our grid. Now, the first is units. We have millimeters, inches, as well as bricks, which we'll cover later on in the course. For now, let's choose millimeters. Even in the US where inches are a more common unit of measure, millimeters are the most common choice for 3D printing files. Usually you'll be working in small measurements, and it's easier to deal with millimeters than fractions of an inch. So even if the metric system is unfamiliar to you, I'd encourage you to try the metric system in Tinkercad. We'll be using millimeters for this course. You can also change the width and the height of the work plane. If you know that you're going to be working on something small or large, you might want to change the grid dimensions to keep your project…
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