From the course: Learning Tinkercad

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Slicing with hole shapes

Slicing with hole shapes - Tinkercad Tutorial

From the course: Learning Tinkercad

Slicing with hole shapes

- [Instructor] Look at this design for an ice scraper. How do you think it was made? Would you be surprised to learn that instead of massing this object from a series of shapes, it was carved out of a single box. You can use the provided exercise file to follow along. Let's ungroup this design one step at a time to see how it was created. Select the shape, and then choose ungroup. You can see how these details were created with a series of altered cylinders. All right, let's try it again. Click on the ice scraper, and then choose ungroup. Let's switch into a top view and make sure that you are in an orthographic view. Do you see how the large ellipses created the contours of the design? Let's look at it one more time. Deselect, click on the red box, and click ungroup. And then this time, let's orbit, and look at it from the left. Again, these large elliptical shapes created those contour curves. Lots of whole shapes,…
