From the course: Logic Pro X Essential Training

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Comping performances

Comping performances

- [Instructor] In this movie, we'll see how to use Logic's quick swipe comping to make a composite performance or a comped take out of a few takes that are packed in a take folder. So in this project, we see the vocal track has a region on it that looks a little bit different. It has a disclosure triangle on the upper left and it has a pull down menu next to that. And finally, it has a little button that toggles between this which is quick swipe mode and our regular edit mode. All of these icons tell us that this is a region that includes multiple takes. Or to be more technical, it's a packed take folder. You can see the contents of the pack take folder or any pack take folder by opening the disclosure triangle on the left-hand side of the region. Now I can see that this pack take folder is made up of three takes. And the top selected take, take one, is the one that's on the top layer. We're hearing the active take. Whatever selected is what we're hearing. So if I wanted to hear take…
