From the course: Logic Pro X Essential Training

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Diving deeper into Drummer

Diving deeper into Drummer

- [Instructor] In this movie, we'll take a deeper dive into drummer tracks and look at some tips for getting more out of your drummer's performance. First, let's look at a couple nuances in the drummer's performance settings down in the smart window pane. Now we talked about how we can change our cymbal pattern, you can also do that for percussion, and for the kick and snare, you can change it... Actually some handy notes down here. This is like a half-time, but you can go over to this side of the slider and you'll get more towards a double-time feel. And so you can kind of change all of those parameters in terms of that. But you can go even deeper into the fill by going over to the far right and you can change the amount of fills. So fills are going to be like drum fills, you know, tom fills or the way that a drummer might break up a bar, right? So here's the chorus and let's take a listen to how Logan our drummer here if we give it a lot of fills, how it changes the performance. So…
