From the course: Logic Pro X Essential Training

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Drawing MIDI in the Piano Roll Editor

Drawing MIDI in the Piano Roll Editor - Logic Pro Tutorial

From the course: Logic Pro X Essential Training

Drawing MIDI in the Piano Roll Editor

- [Instructor] When we learned about the piano roll window, we learned how to edit and create MIDI notes. But what about continuous controller messages, like pitch shifting and modulation? These can also be edited in the piano roll window, using something called MIDI Draw. Let's take a look at the beef section synth region in this song. Notice in addition to the MIDI event notes that we see in other regions, this one has some gray vertical lines in it. These gray marks symbolize that this region contains continuous controller MIDI messages embedded in it. Continuous controller messages are MIDI events other than note values. Things like modulation, pitch wheel messages. In other words, continuous events, not on / off note messages. Let's open this region in the piano roll window, so we can further investigate these continuous controller messages. Now hold option and double click on the region. So we get it into our piano roll window and we see the MIDI note events, but I still don't…
